Writing Through Pain-Points

If you watched the video I posted yesterday with advices from well-known writers, you probably noticed something Tim Ferriss said about overcoming writer’s block. He said that a great way to eliminate writer’s block is to write about what makes you angry or frustrated. This made me think.

You probably know that in the past, I referred to an emotion as a being the dot to every post. But every day we experience a bucket of emotions. We’re happy, then sad, then frustrated, then nervous… maybe even excited from time to time. Sooo are the negative emotions more important than the positive ones?

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Pain gives you creativity

Have you noticed that when you’re angry you come up with the most awful things to do or to say? I think this is because our pain-points give us some extra energy to spare, and that extra energy can be channeled into swearing or breaking stuff or into creating stuff.

Every bit of information is inside you and, in that moment, everything tries to get out at once.

What about positivity?

This doesn’t really apply to the positive stuff. When you feeling some positive things, you don’t usually have that energy. At least, that’s how it is for me. Or at least, that energy is not as powerful as the negative one.

Of course, there are awesome love poems, but are those poems written only through love? Or there is some fear of losing involved and maybe some little bit of jealousy. Or maybe some little pain from missing that person? I don’t know… no one ever wrote me a poem and I didn’t wrote one, so I can’t tell!

Exteriorize it through writing

If that energy is there, use it well! Don’t yell at people and don’t throw things towards them. Find a paper and write on it (I recommend paper so you won’t punch your computer).

That energy gives you new content and when your mind is clear, you can decide if you want to burn it or to transform it into a masterpiece.

PS: If none of this makes sense, it’s because I was angry when I wrote it.

How often do you write through pain-points?

PS: If you’re serious about writing and you want to have a long-lasting website that stands out of the crowd, check out one of the best SEO tools out there, Mangools.com, and get on the first page of search engines. You can find my full Mangools review here).


  1. I constantly write through pain points. Con-stant-ly.
    Even my happy and positive posts stem from a point of pain, because it’s loss and grief and anger that really puts happiness in perspective and makes you appreciate it all the more.
    I take everything I went through in life and it fuels my every word. But the foundation to all of it is always pain.

    Liked by 2 people

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